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    Guarantee and Returns

    If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us. At Lozendo, we make every effort to ensure that our customers are 100% satisfied with the product they have purchased from our suppliers. If you have a problem with the delivery or product and are frustrated, please contact us and our team will help you immediately.

    Here are some frequently asked questions about our return policy:

    1. What is the return period?

    You can return a product within 14 days of receiving your order from our supplier.

    Order cancellation is only possible 6 hours after ordering. Our order processing ends after 6 hours, after which it is no longer possible to cancel.

    If you wish to cancel your order, please contact within 6 hours of placing your order.

    2. How long will it take to receive my refund?

    A full refund will be made via the original payment method after we have received, checked and confirmed that the products have not been opened. All customers must contact us after returning the package and provide us with the track & trace information so that we can process the refund.

    Please note: Most financial institutions take on average 3-5 business days to process the refund.

    3. Why can't beauty and health products be returned?

    A list of hygiene items that cannot be returned and refunded (the list is not exhaustive): Underwear, bikinis, make-up, hair styling products, beauty products, etc. We take hygiene and public safety seriously and for the safety of our customers we do not allow the return of beauty and health products. We are not alone in this. Other suppliers of beauty and health products do not allow returns for the same reasons.

    In general, products cannot be returned if any of the following conditions apply:

    the buyer has repaired and/or modified the delivered products himself or had them repaired and/or modified by a third party

    the delivered products have been subjected to abnormal conditions or otherwise treated negligently or contrary to the intermediary's instructions and/or the packaging

    the defect is wholly or partly due to regulations issued or to be issued by the government concerning the nature or quality of the materials used;

    Sanitary products such as underwear, pants and bras cannot be taken back and refunded.

    For sealed products. Once the seal is broken, these products cannot be returned.

    4. Do I have to pay the return shipping costs?

    Yes, all customers are responsible for the cost of their returns. We recommend sending your return with Track & Trace, as we cannot take responsibility for lost returns.

    5. How can I return my order?

    We strive to provide you with the best customer service and make sure you are satisfied with every order. To simplify our returns process and expedite your refund or exchange, please notify us by email at and we will provide you with further instructions.

    By following these guidelines, you will help us provide a faster and more efficient service and ensure a hassle-free return. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to helping you with your return.

    6. How can I contact you?

    You can contact us via email at Lozendo works seven days a week. We always guarantee a response within 24 hours and are happy to help!

    7. My order is damaged, what should I do?

    That's a shame! Unfortunately, it can happen that your product is damaged during transportation. If you have received a damaged or faulty product, please contact us within 14 days of receiving the product. After that, the return period unfortunately expires.

    For the fastest solution, please send us an email with a photo showing the damaged part of the item. Best are photos on a flat surface where the label and defect are clearly visible. We will use this information to help you with your order and avoid errors in the future.

    For defective goods, we always deliver a new package free of charge the first time and unfortunately cannot provide a refund. Does it arrive faulty the second time? Then we will refund the full purchase price.

    If you have any questions about products that are damaged on arrival, please contact us at

    8. I have entered an incorrect address. What should I do in this case?

    Please let us know the correct address immediately so that we can change it for you. If your package has already been sent, we can no longer change the address.

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